ハンガリー ブタペストの国際映画祭で『peri』が「審査員特別賞」受賞!

ハンガリー ブタペストの「Budapest Rooftop Cinema」にて2月11日に行われた国際映画祭「Budapest Film Festival」で私が監督・主演した映像作品『peri』が「審査員特別賞」を受賞しました!



映画祭ディレクターはHenrietta Colton氏。アートディレクターはJános Nagy氏。


ブタペストの「Budapest Rooftop Cinema」は建物の屋上で美しい景色に囲まれて映画を楽しめるという面白いコンセプトの映画館。


At the "Budapest Film Festival" held at "Budapest Rooftop Cinema" in Hungary on 11 February, my dance film "peri" that I directed and starred in won the "Honorable Mention"!

This is the first time that my film has been screened in Hungary!

I am very honored to receive the Honorable Mention.

Festival director is Henrietta Colton, art director is János Nagy. "peri" stood out from all the others with its uniqueness and originality so festival's jury decided to give it a Honorable Mention. 

"Budapest Rooftop Cinema" is a movie theater with an interesting concept where you can enjoy movies on the roof of a building surrounded by beautiful scenery.

The selection of films is also unique, making it one of the best film festivals in Europe.

Budapest Rooftop Cinema

2 Lövőház utca

Budapest 1024




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